CREATEC Civil Engineering and Consultants Co., Ltd. provides various consulting services to meet clientsʼ needs.
Structural/Geotechnical Analysis
By utilizing advanced technology and software, CREATEC provides high-precision simulation results brought by the parameter setting and optimum numerical modeling based on proper engineering judgment.
- Earthquake response analysis / dynamic analysis
- Seismic performance evaluation and verification of seismic retrofit design
- Strength / deformation / structure verification
- Stability and displacement during excavation of mountain tunnel
- Influence analysis for propulsion and shield tunnel excavation
- Influence analysis of ground by excavation, earth retaining, shafts, piles, etc.
- Influence analysis of soft ground by embankment
- Liquefaction (dynamic-effective stress) analysis
- Other FEM analysis
Construction-related surveys and analysis
CREATEC provides research, analysis and various services for construction technology and related areas.

Familiar with civil engineering and construction business
The engineer performs the analysis.
Civil engineering is a field called empirical engineering. If you do not understand the site and actual phenomena, it will be difficult to judge the validity of the analysis results and estimate the cause, even if unrealistic deformation occurs in the structure.
CREATEC is a company where employees who have experience in laboratories and civil engineering departments of general contractors are active. We know not only analysis but also design and construction and have comprehensive engineering technology based on the relationship between the theory behind software and actual phenomena. In addition, we actively interact with construction companies and constantly strive to understand the actual conditions and natural phenomena at construction sites up-to-date. That is why we can not only present the calculated results, but also propose reasonable analysis methods and solution in all its aspects.

Investigate analysis technology as professional
We constantly input and output technical information and respond to customer requirements as a team with a wide range of knowledge and know-how.
CREATEC holds technical meetings with construction companies and consultants to constantly raise the level of technological capabilities. We also strive to absorb a wide range of knowledge, including design and construction, by visiting the latest construction sites and civil engineering heritage as a training trip.
In addition, a technical presentation is held every year in the company. Each employee presents the discoveries and new insights gained through his or her work, know-how on the use of analysis software, and future issues. It is also a good opportunity for young employees to hone their presentation skills and enhance their ability to propose as a consultant.

There is “confidence and trust” supported by many achievements
With the know-how and understanding of structural and geotechnical analysis accumulated through many achievements, we can meet the demands to cases where analysis was difficult until now.
CREATEC undertakes 100 to 120 analysis tasks for major products annually. There are many requests for tunnel excavation analysis, liquefaction (dynamic-effective stress) analysis, seepage flow analysis in the geotechnical field, and seismic performance evaluation by nonlinear dynamic analysis (seismic response analysis) in the structural field. We have a high reputation in building complex 3D numerical models.
We have dealt with many problems that cannot be solved by ordinary design calculations, such as special cases where the construction conditions at the site and the structure type itself are special. In some cases, after repeated simulations, we proposed a special reinforcing method and was adopted. Through these achievements, we have built a good relationship with our customers to really talk about problems and work together and they have been a repeater.

CEO Takeshi Ohtaki
CREATEC is an engineering consultancy specialized in advanced numerical modeling. It is our mission to contribute to the improvement of infrastructure by bridging a gap between design and construction as an expert in numerical modeling.
Founded in 1998, CREATEC has provided customers in civil and architectural engineering with valuable service as a specialist in numerical modeling. We are pleased to help our customers succeed in delivering challenging infrastructure projects with our advanced techniques in numerical modeling and quality design service. Our acknowledgment extends to the unceasing support from our clients to technical innovation and quality enhancement.
The rapidly growing number of aged infrastructures and natural disasters exceeding expectations in recent years have created challenging problems that require solutions utilizing more advanced numerical analysis than conventional design methods. As numerical modeling has been starting to play a key role in the design of infrastructure, we have pursued sharpening up our technical excellence in numerical modeling and continued to improve the reliability of numerical modeling based on the Verification and Validation.
While IT technology is reshaping the construction industry, design, construction, and supervision and inspection are being seamlessly managed in a series of data processing. We are doing our best to shape up the design outcome utilizing CIM (Construction Information Modeling) technology so that real-time collaboration of numerical modeling and CIM can function as the backbone for the construction process in developing infrastructure.
Our challenges will go on with a focus on delivering outstanding engineering solutions and unrivalled customer service. We look forward to working closely with our customers for their success in challenging projects with our client-focused service.
Company Name | CREATEC Civil Engineering and Consultants Co., Ltd. |
Address |
Kyowa15bankan Building 6F, 2-5-8 Nishikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan MAP |
Phone Number |
(81) 3-6268-9108 |
Fax |
(81) 3-6268-9109 |
createc_info@createc-jp.com | |
Official Web Site | https://createc-jp.com |
Company Representative |
Takeshi Ohtaki |
Capital |
10,000,000 yen |